Yoga Instructor
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Language: Japanese, English, Chinese (Mandarin), French
Birthday: August 23
Tsuda University International Relationships
Shanghai Jiao Dong University Chinese language
Iyengar Yoga Introductory Course of Level 2
Mentor: Faeq BIRIA
Favorite prop? Setubandha sarvangasana bench
Primary practice? Asana and Pranayama
Teaching style? Authentic style of Iyengar Yoga, profound practice of each asana, in the manner to grow your own awareness and intelligence, adjust practice to individual need by student
What poses do you always teach? Adho Mukha Svanasana, Sirsasana
Favorite pose? Urdhva Danurasana, Ardha Chandrasana
Least favorite pose? Which one?? Not sure…
Favorite Tokyo neighborhood? Yoyogi Park
Favorite fruit? Strawberries, Watermelon, Blueberry
Favorite tunes for yoga? Nothing special….
What do you always do when you ride the train? Check how many stops to go till the destination
Most embarrassing yoga moment? Nothing particular…
Interests outside of yoga? Moxification, Abhyanga (Ayurveda body massage), ReadingMoxification, Abhyanga (Ayurveda body massage), Reading
Special talent? I can get over jetlag fast!
Hunter or gatherer? Gathering Hunter .
What word do you always say or spell wrong? Address and Adresse
Anything else you want to add? ‘MY BODY IS MY TEMPLE AND ASANAS ARE MY PRAYERS.’ B.K.S.Iyengar