Ayako Shimizu

Yoga Instructor

Hometown: Chiba, Japan

Languages: Japanese, English

Birthday: June 5th


  • 200 hour teacher training yoga alliance certificate RYT200 (The Vancouver Sky Studio)

  • 300 hour teacher training yoga alliance certificate RYT300 (Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School, India)

Mentor: YU (yoga teacher)

Favorite prop? Bolster

Primary practice? Asana and Pranayama, Yoga philosophy

Teaching style? I usually teach asana based class, Hatha and Vinyasa after some breath works.

What poses do you always teach? Tadasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana

Favorite pose? Ustrasana (Camel pose), Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon pose)

Least favorite pose?  Utkatasana

Favorite Tokyo neighborhood? Kuramae, Yoyogi park

Favorite fruit? Mango

Favorite tunes for yoga? Cozy tunes of mantra like Gayatri by Edo & Jo

What do you always do when you ride the train? Check instagram and Pinterest, listen to Podcast

Most embarrassing yoga moment? When I was exhausted after work, I joined a kind of nighttime relaxing yoga. As you can imagine, when I woke up from my Savasana, the class was already finished!
And my teacher and other students were surrounding me and waiting for me to wake up lol
Now I’m teaching yoga, sometimes students fall asleep during Savasana, I don’t want to wake them up, because I know how peaceful and relaxing it is!

Interests outside of yoga? Running, Cafe hopping, Walking in a park

Special talent? IPacking ( I love packing but don’t like unpacking…)

Hunter or gatherer? Maybe Hunter…?

What word do you always say or spell wrong? Left and Lift. Please be kind if I say “Left your lift leg” lol

Anything else you want to add? I’m really happy to join NYS team, I can’t wait to share a beautiful moment with everyone! Let’s start your yoga journey:)

Social media/website: IG: @ayako_yoga_vss