Ryoko Mizohata

Yoga Instructor

Hometown: Yokohama, Japan

Languages: Japanese, English

Birthday: April 29


  • Japan Woman’s University

  • Lila Yoga Training 200HR

  • Bliss Baby Maternity Yoga Training

  • Ajay Kumar Ashtanga Intensive Training 40HR

  • Maty Ezraty Teacher Intensive

Mentor:  Michal Glenn, Maty Ezraty

Favorite prop?  Block

Primary practice? Asana practice

Teaching style? Find a comfortable body by adjusting small parts of body such as bone, skin and muscle. I've been practicing ashtanga based yoga and Iyenger based yoga. But also lot of other body conditioning staffs. Luckily I could take Maty Ezraty's final training in Tokyo, so her passion is always my inspiration.

What poses do you always teach? Tadasana and downward facing dog 

Favorite pose? Trikonasana

Least favorite pose? Marichyasana D, don’t have enough arm length to rap around lol

Favorite Tokyo neighborhood? Where they have park and good coffee!

Favorite fruit? Japanese peach is the best.

Favorite tunes for yoga? For the savasana I tend to use “Atlas Song” by Jonsi & Alex. I often don't use the music during asana practice.

What do you always do when you ride the train?  Checking my emails

Most embarrassing yoga moment? When I put on my lululemon pants inside out. There is a black small triangle at the crotch…I couldn’t open my legs.

Interests outside of yoga? Gyrotonic, Feldenkrais method, pilates.... movemet nerd!

Special talent? Won’t give up once I have decided to do something.

Hunter or gatherer? Hunter-ish

What word do you always say or spell wrong? Region and religion. 

Social media/website: IG: @ryoko_mizohata